32 pages
The changing covers of The Paper over time.
- the "Endless Star" by Gay Merrill Gross
- The Origami Holiday Tree
- Volunteers for the 2008 Holiday Tree and Annual Gift
- The 2008 Annual Gift Contributors
- Celebrating 100 issues of The Paper by Toby Schwartz
- Along My Paper Trails by Ted Bond
- About New York, Meyer Berger's 1958 New York Times article about Lillian Oppenheimer
- From the Home-Office
- Letter from the President
- The OrigamiUSA Website by Robert J. Lang
- Book Review by Jean Baden-Gillette
- News from The Source
- Ordering Information from The Source
- Membership Form
- Global Events Calendar
- From our Members
- My Ten-year Anniversary as a Member of OrigamiUSA by Karen Houston
- Folding in Public by Ray Takeuchi
- My Piece of Paper by Hatsumi Yoshida
- My First Visit to the Home-Office by Kathy Knapp
- A Look Back at SEOF by Jonathan Baxter
- Letter from Jerusalem by Rosaly Evnine
- Orange County Origami Club Tree by Kay Eng
- Twelfth Origami Convention: Cali, Colombia by Marcio Noguchi
- An Afternoon with the Legendary Florence Temko by Meenakshi Mukerji
- The Dart by Pascal Khadem
- Ditrigonal Dodecadodecahedron by Daniel Kwan
- PolyPost Regular Octagon by Chris K. Palmer